Privacy Policy BienAppPlus

Personal information

This information includes items specific to each User and can be used to identify BienAppPlus users uniquely. Examples include:

Data collected, and for what purpose:

  • First and last name. for App functionality, Fraud prevention, security and compliance, Account management
  • Email address. (Optional) for Account management
  • User IDs for App functionality, Analytics, Personalisation, and Account management
  • Other information that is not ordinarily available to the public. (Optional) for Analytics

The User may be asked to enter some information when using the website. The requested information will be used only when requested to enter that information or following this Privacy Policy.

Location information

When the User uses BienAppPlus, their location is saved.

All information sent by users in the BienAppPlus is entirely confidential, except in cases where a court order is intended to commit a crime.

Image information (Photos)

Data collected, and for what purpose:

  • Photos for App functionality.

Users' Image information

  • Our app upload users' image information for personalisation purpose.

App activity

Data collected, and for what purpose:

  • App interactions Personalisation
  • Other actions for App functionality, Analytics, Personalisation


The User should know that information and data may be collected automatically through “cookies.” “Cookies” are small text files that a website can use to identify redirecting users, monitor behavior, collect general information to promote the website, and determine the direction of advertising. Cookies do not attach to the User’s system and do not harm your files. If the User does not want the information collected through cookies, the cookie feature can be readily accepted or rejected in most browsers.

Update or delete information

The User can use the feedback form on the website or software to notify BienAppPlus of any updates, changes, or corrections to their previously collected information. In addition, upon user request, we will use our reasonable business efforts to remove user information from our databases; however, it may not be possible to completely delete user data due to support data or deleted records.

Delete app account

You can submit a request to delete your account and associated data for our website or app via

Manage app data

You can submit a request to delete specific data that we collected through our website or app without deleting your entire account. This data can include things like activity history, transaction history, images, and document via

Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right to modify or update the Privacy Policy at any time, and the continued use of the Services by the User is a sign of acceptance of these policies.

All content available through any of the BienAppPlus services, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, video images, downloadable and copyable items, data, and all content produced by the BienAppPlus is part of the BienAppPlus property. Right, The use and publication of all available and available materials are the exclusive prerogatives of BienAppPlus, and any use without obtaining written permission reserves the right to prosecute BienAppPlus. In addition, the scripts and names of the services available through each of the services created by BienAppPlus and the registered trademarks are the exclusive property of BienAppPlus, and any use for commercial purposes is subject to legal prosecution.